Building & Property Information |
What is the property address? |
Property Street |
Property City |
Property State |
Property Zip |
What is the occupancy type? |
Occupancy Type |
What is the building type? |
Building Type |
What year was it built? |
Year Built |
What is the flood map zone number? |
Flood Map Zone Number |
What is the community flood number? |
Community Flood Number |
How many Bedrooms? |
Number of Bedrooms |
How many bathrooms? |
Number of Bathrooms |
How many fireplaces? |
Number of Fireplaces |
What date was it purchased? |
Date Purchased |
Does the residence have a basement? |
Basement |
What is the total square footage of the building? |
Total Square Footage of Building
How many units are in the building? |
Units |
What is the garage description? |
Garage Description |
How many stories is it? |
Stories |
What is the construction type? |
Construction Type |
What is the foundation type? |
Foundation Type |
What is the nature of sub-soil? |
Nature of Sub-Soil |
What is the topography? |
Topography? |
What type roof covering? |
Is the roof updated? |
Roof Updated |
No |
If yes, what year? |
Year Roof Updated |
Is there any erosion in the area? |
Erosion |
Is there any below ground parking? |
Below Ground Parking |
No |
Is there any soft first story or tuck under parking?
Soft First Story or Tuck Under Parking |
No |
What is the distance of fire protection?
Is the business in a brush area? |
Brush |
No |
If yes, has the brush been cleared by 250 feet
from all around the building? |
Brush Cleared by 250 Feet |
No |
Are there smoke detectors at this location? |
Smoke Detectors |
No |
Are there fire extinguishers? |
Fire Extinguishers |
No |
Are there circuit breakers? |
Circuit Breakers |
No |
Is the electrical updated? |
Electrical Update |
How old is the heating/ air conditioning? |
Age of Heating/ Air Conditioning |
What is the energy source? |
Energy Source |
Has the plumbing been updated? |
Plumbing Updated |
No |
If yes, what year was the plumbing updated? |
Year Plumbing Update |
Is the plumbing copper? |
Copper Plumbing |
Does the building have interior automatic fire
sprinklers? |
Automatic Fire Sprinklers |
Is there a fire alarm? |
Fire Alarm |
Has the building been retrofitted or bolted? |
Retrofitted or Bolted |
Claims Information |
Where there any losses or claims
in the last 5 years? |
Losses - Claims |
No |
If yes, what is the date, amount
paid and description of each loss or claim? |
Coverage Information |
What is the current insurance
company? |
How much are you paying now? |
Amount Current
Coverage |
What is the building coverage
requested? |
Building Coverage |
What is the other structures coverage
requested? |
Other Structures
Coverage |
What is the contents property
coverage requested? |
Contents Property
Coverage |
What is the loss of use coverage
requested? |
Loss of Use Coverage |
Are there any questions, comments
or additional coverage required? |
Questions, Comments
or Additional Coverage